Effective: May 1, 2018

This policy describes how Springfox uses cookies and similar technologies to make your experience better, faster, and safer, for advertising purposes and to allow us to continuously improve our Service.

In this policy, we’ll refer to Springfox Limited as (“Springfox”), https://springfox.com as (“Site”), mobile application as (“App”), the different ways to use our features, applications, and services (together, or individually, the (“Service”), and cookies and similar technologies collectively as (“Cookie Technologies”).


Cookies are small data files sent from a server to your web browser. They are stored in your browser’s cache and allow a website or a third-party to recognize your browser. There are three primary types of cookies:

Other similar technologies

In addition to cookies, there are other similar technologies used by Springfox.

Opt-in and opt-out on browsers

When you use Springfox via a browser, you can change your web browser’s settings to reflect your cookie preferences i.e. cookies from the site you are on or third-party cookies. Each browser is a little different but usually these settings are under the 
'options' or 'preferences' menu.
The links below provide information about cookie settings for browsers supported by Springfox.

Microsoft Edge  Internet Explorer  Firefox  Chrome  Safari

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please email enquire@springfox.com

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